Raspberry Pi – Card games
Today I have a nice article for cold winter evenings alone at home…yea I know, it’s summer 😉 If you are bored, you may play card games. This is a reason why Windows is...
Today I have a nice article for cold winter evenings alone at home…yea I know, it’s summer 😉 If you are bored, you may play card games. This is a reason why Windows is...
The Raspberry Pi is a great mini computer, but a bit helpless without a number of different supplies. You Pi needs for its computation a power supply, but for a good work, you will...
The last weeks I got many mails with questions like: ‚Where can I order a Raspberry Pi?‘. The problem is, that with its great success, the Raspberry Pi is often not available. At local...
Der Hardwaremarkt ist im Wandel! PC Systeme werden immer seltener verkauft, Tablet Computer andererseits immer mehr. Der Markt bei den Tablet Computern ist im großen und ganzen zweigeteilt. So gibt es die Apple Produkte,...
One of my all time favorite games is Sim City. Some weeks ago a new version was released again, where the main game mechanics are equal to the one of the first Sim City....
As told before I show you the first game, that can be installed with the packet manager of your Raspberry Pi. This is for all soccer fans out there who want to manager their...
The configuration tool of your Raspberry Pi got a new update with some new functions. Here is a screenshot:
In den letzten Tagen wurde eine tolle Neuigkeit über die neue PlayStation 4 bekannt. Offenbar basiert das Betriebssystem der Spielekonsole mit dem Namen ‚Orbis OS‘ auf der FreeBSD Version 9. Das ist überraschend, da...
Your Raspberry Pi is perfect for controlling and monitoring data. A really good topic is monitoring of your network and all network traffic. For this, there are many different Open Source programs, but you can...
Today I have a really funny thing! An Open Source First Person Shooter for all Counter Strike Fans. I will show you how to install and configure an Assault Cube Server on your Raspberry...