Kategorie: Allgemein

freiesMagazin Artikel 0

freiesMagazin Artikel

Heute ist die neue Ausgabe des freienMagazins erschienen. Diesmal mit einem Artikel von mir in dem ich über den Raspberry Pi schreibe. Der Artikel ist sehr allgemein gehalten und beschreibt viele der Dinge noch...

Genesia for iPad 0

Genesia for iPad

Genesia is a strategy game with retro flair. This isometric board game was built for Amiga in 1993. Since this time the user interface and graphics has been changed (or adapted to the current needs),...

Get emails from mailbox with PHP 0

Get emails from mailbox with PHP

With PHP it is very easy to send emails, as I have shown you in a recent article. With PHP you can do event more. It has functions to read mails directly from your...

Smultron 5 0

Smultron 5

Smultron is a very good editor for Max OSX and for me the best one. In this article I want to give you a review why. Why Smultron? The main question is why should I...